- United States
- Maine
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Rep. Pingree
From: A constituent in Portland, ME
December 13, 2024
I’m writing to urge you to support the swift passage of the bipartisan Older Americans Act (OAA) Reauthorization Act of 2024 (S. 4776), which was passed unanimously by the Senate on December 10th.
This bill makes crucial updates to the foundational legislation that supports community-based nutrition and social services, such as Meals on Wheels, for older adults, their families, and caregivers. Strengthening these programs and increasing funding is more important than ever—especially since one in three Meals on Wheels programs currently has a waitlist, and 2.5 million older adults lack access to essential services. The increased authorized spending levels for senior nutrition programs in this bill are a critical step in addressing these urgent needs.
With the Older Americans Act having expired at the end of September, it’s vital for Congress to act quickly to reauthorize it and ensure the continued health and well-being of older adults who rely on these services in communities across the country.
The OAA is the cornerstone of support for Meals on Wheels programs both in our state and nationwide. Each year, these programs deliver 251 million meals to 2.2 million seniors, providing cost-effective, evidence-based solutions to the challenges faced by older adults. More than 80% of Meals on Wheels participants report that these services enhance their health, increase their safety, and enable them to live independently—all of which are made possible through the OAA.
We need the House of Representatives to take up the Senate legislation and reauthorize the OAA before the end of this Congress. Older adults in need cannot afford to wait.
Thank you for your dedication to supporting older adults in our community and across the country.