  1. United States
  2. Maine

Maine Open Letters

Verified VoterAuburn, ME

I urge you to support legislation that would require auto manufacturers to continue to carry AM radio stations in cars.

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Stop lying Jared. Lies undermine democracy

Stop lying Jared. I am disgusted that you voted for a resolution which is a lie. It is false to say that Biden failed to secure the border. False. Border crossings are lower under Biden than under Trump. It is false to assert thst Kamala Harris hasn't addressed the border issue. She has focussed on

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Stop the partisan misogyny. Approve Biden's nominees

Please stop voting against Biden's highly qualified nominees. You approved rogue judge Aileen Cannon who is undermining the rule of law. At a time when no nominees should have been considered. And yet: "Susan Collins votes to block another highly qualified Biden nominee -- her 64th in 3 1/2 years.

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Stop siding with GOP lie resolutions

I'm really appalled that you signed onto a GOP resolution that is a lie. Kamala Harris is not a border czar. Border crossings are now lower than at any time during Trump's era. Harris visited areas south of the border to work on causes of migration: It's despicable to sign a resolution condemning a

Verified VoterPortland, ME

ERA now!

The threat of Project 2025 is enormous and terrifying. Printing the equal rights amendment could actually make a difference. Please up your effort to make this happen!

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Legislate now for gun safety

Another day another AR shooter. This time it was part of an ear and a rally attender. How many more will it take? From Sandy Hook to Uvalde to Maine to Butler PA. From 1994 to 2004 there was a federal assault weapons ban. It saved lives. Now scotus made bump stocks illegal. More firearms kill Amer

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Ethics investigation of Rep Mike Collins. Censure him.

I am beyond horrified by Rep Mike Collins of Georgia blaming Biden for the Trump shooter and calling for a prosecution. This kind of misleading and deliberately inflammatory rhetoric is reckless and dangerous. Americans of all political persuasion should lower the temperature of the public discourse

Map PinLebanon, ME

Support Articles of Impeachment against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito

I am writing to urge your support of the recently introduced Articles of Impeachment against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito. Supreme Court Justices should be held to a higher ethical standard, but enforcing the basic minimum standards that all lower ranking employees of the Federal Government are

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Impeach Alito and Thomas

The blatant impropriety of Justices Thomas and Alito is a danger to our democracy. They do things which lower court judges are forbidden to do- or would be censured for. I am counting on you to support AOC's move to impeach both; Please preserve our democracy by impeaching corrupt scotus justice

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Fix scotus now

The scotus presidential immunity decision is a disaster for our democracy. Scotus has lost all legitimacy by its capricious rulings disregarding precedent and showing that justices' statements about stare decisis were lies. And then there is the ever growing lists of gifts received by th justices.

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Jared Golden stop being a truant. Serve those you should serve

I just learned that you've not attended caucus meetings since 2021. I'm disgusted. You were elected as a democrat. If you don't want to do what you were elected for then stop drawing your salary. I will not phone bank donate or vote for you again.

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

You are disgracing your oath to the constitution

I am ashamed to be represented by you. I do not know whether you are ignorant, amoral or corrupted by donations from Harlan Crow. I do know that your comments about democracy being okay if a there is a win by multiply indicted convicted felon who egged on a violent mob to hang on to power and has

Verified VoterLewiston, ME

Scotus is corrupt and is destroying our democracy. Act.

I am terrified, alarmed, outraged, by the corruption of the Supreme Court. The recent immunity decision should chill th blood of anyone who cares about the b future of our democracy. Do something. Stop referring to the expansion of the court as packing. Impeach justices who lie. Scotus now has zero

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