  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on KOSA

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Panetta, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Monterey, CA

July 24

I have just heard the news that Sen. Schumer is bringing KOSA, the so-called Kids Online Safety Act, up for a vote this week. This is a bad bill, made with flawed and misguided intentions, that will actively harm kids and teens, as well as LGBTQ adults. I am once again asking you to please VOTE NO. The bill's sponsors claim it will protect kids by placing a duty of care on online platforms to prevent anything that could be harmful, but who decides what's harmful and what's free speech? KOSA claims it protects kids, but it's poorly designed and given time, it will absolutely and without question harm LGBTQ+ kids, adults, and anyone who needs information on reproductive health, including abortion. KOSA author, your colleague Senator Marsha Blackburn, said she introduced KOSA in part, to quote "protect minor children from the transgender in our society." The Heritage Foundation has proudly stated that they will apply pressure through KOSA to block information about abortion, reproductive health, and LGBTQ+ issues. As jazzed as I am about the prospect of Kamala Harris becoming our next president, there are no guarantees, and if Donald Trump gets back into the White House I can't even imagine the harm his cronies will do with a bill like this to wipe LGBTQ communities, art, history, etc from the internet in the name of "protecting the children" from what they consider deviance. At a time when Republican-led state governments are working overtime to try to pass laws in essence banning transgender citizens from public life, this bill is misguided at best and downright dangerous, potentially deadly, at worst. Vote NO on KOSA.

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