  1. United States
  2. Letter

Healthcare is a fundamental human right, support Medicare for All

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Pelham, MA

August 30, 2024

The United States must make quality healthcare accessible to all as a fundamental human right. This Medicare for All Act would provide comprehensive health coverage to every resident, eliminating financial barriers, profiteering, and creating a system focused solely on promoting health and wellbeing. The bill establishes a single national insurance program covering all medically necessary services with no cost-sharing like deductibles or copays. It prohibits private insurance that duplicates these public benefits, ending our multi-payer system rife with administrative waste. Global operating budgets for institutional providers and negotiated fee schedules for physicians and other practitioners replace the fragmented, profiteering payment schemes plaguing our current system. By decoupling healthcare from employment and eliminating profiteering incentives, this legislation aligns care delivery with medical ethics focused on patient needs. Discrimination is prohibited, care continuity protected during transition for vulnerable groups, and cost cannot be considered in coverage decisions, safeguarding access for those with disabilities or complex needs often denied or delayed treatment now. Importantly, the Act envisions healthcare as more than sick care, covering preventive services, long-term care, and public health initiatives addressing social determinants of health and disparities stemming from systemic discrimination. This integrated approach recognizes the many factors underlying population health and wellness. In summary, this comprehensive reform ensures healthcare as a right through an efficient, ethical public insurance system providing quality services based on medical need, not ability to pay. I urge supporting this moral and pragmatic solution to our nation's healthcare crisis.

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