  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Impeach Justices Thomas and Alito for ethical violations

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Swalwell

From: A constituent in Fremont, CA

July 10

The Supreme Court is intended to be an impartial institution that upholds the rule of law and protects the rights enshrined in the Constitution. However, the recent revelations about Justices Thomas and Alito's potential conflicts of interest and failure to recuse themselves from cases where they had personal or financial ties raise serious ethical concerns. Their actions appear to undermine public trust in the Court's ability to render fair and unbiased decisions. It is imperative that the highest court in the land operates with integrity, transparency, and adherence to ethical standards. Justices must avoid even the appearance of impropriety or bias that could call into question the legitimacy of their rulings. When justices fail to recuse themselves from cases despite clear conflicts, it erodes faith in the judicial system. I urge you to co-sponsor articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito. Their conduct poses a grave threat to the sacred principles of judicial independence and the separation of powers that are vital to our democratic system of government. Holding them accountable through impeachment proceedings is necessary to uphold the rule of law and preserve the credibility of the Supreme Court as a fair and impartial arbiter of justice.

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