  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Oppose the so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act!

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Temple City, CA

May 2

As you may know, the House recently passed the so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act. It is a crackdown on free speech on university campuses. It equates legitimate criticism of Israel, a state which systemically engages in racist apartheid and settler colonialism, to antisemitism. Our students deserve to have the ability to speak up for what they believe is right. Our nation is built on these First Amendment principles and this bill is a direct attack on the foundations of American democracy. I urge you to strike this provision out of this bill and to vote against it if it comes up. I will not be voting for you if you unconditionally support Israel at the expense of fundamental American rights and freedoms.

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