- United States
- Letter
Publish the Equal Rights Amendment NOW
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA
January 2
I am writing to ask you to order the Archivist to publish the Equal Rights Amendment. And if she refuses, it is your duty to fire her and appoint an Archivist who will do their job to perform the strictly administrative duty of publication. The 28th Amendment is essential to protect the rights of women & lgbtq people under the upcoming Trump administration. Anything that limits government power in the face of an administration that has promised to abuse and overreach its authority as Trump has done is of the utmost importance to enact before you leave office. Men will benefit directly from the ERA, too - for example, paternity leave and child support/alimony laws around stay-at-home fathers would be impacted.
All specific arguments aside, this is a matter of integrity. Do you, and the Democratic Party, stand behind your claims that you support equal rights? Or is it a lie to mobilize women voters, that you won't actually back up when the time comes? If you leave office without publishing the ERA, we will all know it was a lie. Please, live up to your promises and the promises of your party. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The People are watching, and so is History.