An open letter to Rep. Frost, Sen. Scott, Sen. Rubio.
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Frost, Sen. Scott, Sen. Rubio

From: A constituent in Winter Park, FL

April 21

Senator Scott: In your recent newsletter, you mentioned that you had an example of how Biden is allowing terrorists into our country. When I read the news item, it was only one guy! by the name of Kharwin. The FBI arrested him after he entered the country. The border problem is a GOP problem because they did not vote to pass a bipartisan bill that would’ve helped a lot. Instead you listened to a crazed self-serving individual instead. This is what the bill could’ve done : Senators in both parties have finalized a deal on stricter border and immigration policies that is headed toward an uncertain floor vote in the coming days.

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