  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Gutierrez, Rep. Mathis

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

June 29

We must take action against the harmful bill HB2586, which aims to impose age verification requirements on websites, potentially restricting access to important online content and spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. This legislation poses a significant threat to free expression and risks marginalizing already vulnerable groups by limiting their ability to connect, share information, and find support. Age verification systems can be invasive, compromising user privacy and enabling discrimination. Furthermore, the implementation challenges and costs associated with such requirements could force smaller websites and platforms to shut down, reducing the diversity of voices online. We cannot allow this bill to move forward, as it undermines fundamental digital rights and disproportionately impacts marginalized communities. Protecting an open and inclusive internet should be a top priority. I urge you to firmly oppose HB2586 and any efforts to censor or restrict online spaces through misguided age verification mandates.

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