- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
I write with a heavy heart and a desperation in my soul, as I bear witness to the unending and horrific violence imposed upon the Palestinian civilians. In the name of humanity, this injustice should no longer take place in our modern world. The pain and suffering, the bloodshed and destruction, are not confined to the confines of my television screen or the pages of news articles, it echoes in the hearts and minds of peace-loving individuals all over the globe. I beseech those in the seats of power and those controlling the purse strings of international aid, to sincerely question whether providing funding and weapons to prolong a conflict drowning in the lifeblood of innocents is the moral path to tread. We may be ordinary citizens without the power to enact immediate change, but our voices are loud and our outcry is clear. We beg you to stop funding the violence that has claimed so many innocent lives, torn families apart and turned homes into rubble. With each weapon sent, and each dollar spent, we are complicit in a war that we do not want. As an American, my tax dollars should be helping to build, not destroy, communities. It should be used to spread hope and peace, not fear and despair. Wisdom demands we learn from our past, and past wars have proven, again and again, that violence only begets violence and hatred breeds more hate. It's high time we demand a different course for our fellow human beings who are suffering daily in this protracted conflict. Crimes against humanity, irrespective of where they occur, are a black mark against all of humanity. We have the historical precedence, the learning experiences, and the knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong, action and inaction. I plead with you, let not our legacy be one of blind funding and fueling wars, but rather let us lead with empathy, compassion, and a ceaseless demand for peace. I urge you to rethink the U.S. foreign aid strategy, specifically its financial and military assistance to Israel, and instead work tirelessly towards a cease-fire and lasting peace in the region. Our humanity and indeed, the future of the world, depends on our courage to stand up against any form of injustice. Let this be the moment we choose to uphold the values we claim to hold dear. Let us not fail our collective humanity.
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