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Trump Too Dangerous

To: Rep. Womack, Sen. Boozman, Sen. Cotton

From: A verified voter in Fayetteville, AR

July 18

"I thought he [Donald Trump] did a great job in the four years that he had that presidency.” That is how 3rd District Congressman Steve Womack described Trump’s presidency, according to a KNWA news article. That comment is very concerning to me because I wrote to Womack, Boozman, and Cotton several times during those four years warning them about Trump. It is obvious that the GOP drank the Trump Kool-Aid, and they continue to drink it today. I am disappointed in my fellow Americans who support Trump. The Trumpers/MAGA followers do not understand that supporting Trump makes them look like they have no morals or ethics. It is important for Rep. Womack and others to understand that Trump is not the right person for the White House, and to think otherwise would be dangerously foolish. Trump lied to the American people 30,573 times when he was in the White House. He lied about the seriousness of COVID-19. His lies cost the lives of thousands. His son-in-law gained $2 billion from the Saudis. Trump gave the nod for the Saudis to kill an American citizen. Trump was impeached twice. He has been accused of sexual assault of young teenage girls. He committed adultery. He gaslighted the American people about the election that he lost to Biden. He has the poor, white, uneducated Americans convinced that he cares about them. He only cares about himself. Trump is a draft dodger. He has called members of the military “losers and suckers.” John Kelly, Trump’s former Chief of Staff, says, “Trump is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women.” Kelly told CNN Trump was “a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our constitution, and the rule of law. "Individuals with traits of both Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) can be particularly dangerous in leadership roles. They may not hesitate to use any means, including violence, to secure their position and eliminate perceived threats. Trump’s rhetoric and actions sometimes suggest a willingness to use extreme measures to maintain power.Trump's desire for control and power, coupled with a lack of empathy and disregard for norms, can lead to authoritarian practices, suppression of dissent, and violations of human rights, creating dangerous and oppressive environments. His manipulative and exploitative behaviors can lead to toxic environments and relationships, further entrenching his power and control.Understanding the traits and behaviors associated with NPD and ASPD is crucial for recognizing the potential dangers posed by leaders who exhibit these characteristics. Observing these traits in Donald Trump helps to better understand the risks to democratic institutions, human rights, and ethical leadership.

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