  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Grass Valley, CA

June 30

I am a long time supporter of yours and have had made recurring significant (for us) campaign contributions to you in this campaign as well as in 2020. And I have appreciated your service to this country. However, watching the debate, it became very clear to me and I think most Americans paying attention that you are not truly fit for the demands of the job of presidency any longer. While I also believe your opponent is clearly unfit, and of course more likely to destroy this country if not the world if elected, he is likely to win against you in this election, especially after the debate performance left so many questions about whether you are starting to experience age related dementia. I don’t fault you for your performance, but it is clear the toll of age is catching up with you, and it is time for you to retire (and maybe enjoy your retirement). I am writing to request that you release your delegates at the convention to a stronger democratic candidate who can win against Trump. I suggest Gavin Newsom, but really any strong democratic candidate would do.

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