Stop the madness in Gaza
  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Stop the madness in Gaza

To: Sen. Tillis, Sen. Budd, Pres. Biden, Rep. Ross

From: A constituent in Raleigh, NC

April 10

I am an active voter in Raleigh NC. I am paying attention to the hard issues we face — internally and worldwide. I understand how diplomacy and alliances work. I know how war works from my dad’s Bataan experience. I urge others to have patience with the process as the US tries to keep balance in the region and hostages lives. I can see the bigger picture. However, now we find ourselves accepting and rejecting the same actions in Ukraine and Gaza. Russia’s cruelty and Israel’s disregard for innocents feed on the same evil energy. War is about blame. War is about unleashing hatred. And this makes life in the regions tilted to generations more of hatred and destruction. It is time to look at shifting our approach. Thomas Friedman’s column today had some ideas. I’m sure your advisors have ideas. This is going to make the US even more unsafe, the longer it goes on. We are party to barbaric cruelty, in the name of humanity. This doesn’t fly for long. We really can’t have a country as militaristic as Israel defining who we are. Please provide incentives to make this stop.

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