  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Oppose Budget Cuts to Essential Programs

To: Asm. Zbur, Sen. Allen, Gov. Newsom

From: A constituent in Santa Monica, CA

June 3

Hi, I’m a constituent from Santa Monica and a member of Indivisible Westside Los Angeles. I’m contacting you because of my concerns with the Governor’s May Revised Budget. I understand that the state faces a serious budget shortfall, and some difficult decisions must be made, but these decisions should reflect Californian values and the well-being of its residents. Unfortunately, many of the Governor’s choices do not meet that standard. Currently on the chopping block is funding for vital programs that address public health, access to Medi-Cal and Covered California, affordable housing, climate resilience, employment and workforce development, and environmental protection. These cuts will disproportionately affect the lives of low-income communities, Californians of color, Californians with disabilities, and families with children. For instance, an $18 million cut to the Health Care Enrollment Navigators program will dramatically affect these residents’ ability to sign up for healthcare coverage to which they’re entitled. Meanwhile, the state’s $18 BILLION budget for Corrections remains bloated and is hardly being touched. With 15,000 empty prison beds statewide – a number expected to grow substantially in coming years – the state could save $1B right now by closing just five prisons. Californians need healthy communities, not a carceral state. I urge you to budget accordingly and stand firm against cuts that harm our friends, families, and neighbors. Thank you for your time and attention.

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