  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Garcia, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz

From: A constituent in Houston, TX

May 29

The statement that the White House suggested this tragic attack did not cross a red line in terms of halting US support for Israel is deeply concerning. The loss of civilian lives, including children, at the Rafah displacement camp is horrific and demands accountability from Israel. While Israel's investigation into this incident is warranted, merely relying on their findings without an independent international inquiry raises doubts about transparency. The United States must use its considerable leverage to push for an immediate ceasefire and rapid de-escalation of violence in Gaza. Continuing to enable military operations that endanger innocent Palestinian civilians would only deepen the humanitarian crisis and further isolate the US and Israel from the international community. An urgent pathway to protect human rights and restart credible peace negotiations must be prioritized over unconditional military aid.

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