  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Kansas City, MO

August 22, 2024

For MVP Kamala Harris. I love seeing you and Walz out being joyful. It’s absolutely the right way to go. I’d feel better if you could move in public more safely. Please renew efforts to stop the spread of COVID, including tracking, & promote masks, mask alternatives, & filtration of indoor air, with priority to public schools. Please also fund & fast track Long Covid research & treatments, excluding testing exercise as a treatment. (Testing to see if treatments help exercise tolerance is fine.) People don’t become sick because they’re sedentary. People become sedentary because they’re sick. Medical dogma has this backwards. Making sick people perform wellness doesn’t create well people. Preventing preventable diseases, curing curable ills & mitigating disabilities with gladly provided assistance creates maximally well people. Wars are bad for people, the environment, & economies. I wish we’d stop saying that WWII kickstarted US power/wealth when the New Deal (even if applied unequally), social safety nets, putting limits on banks & Robber Barons’ wealth (Billionaires), investment in infrastructure, & being half a world away from most bombing did it. This shouldn’t need to be said, but help Ukraine fight off Putin & help Palestinians survive. Everyone knows that the US can stop Israel’s genocide of Gaza. We need to stop it. Ceasefire immediately. I’m tired of seeing titans of American industry being strip mined for short term shareholder profits. I’m tired of people being bankrupted for education & illness or disability. I’m tired of watching the world burn, & not just kicking the can down the road on how to stop it, but denying the world is on fire at all or denying that we should stop deliberately burning it. I’m tired of re-fighting for the human rights advances of 1865 (all people are people, with rights to bodily autonomy), 1919 (yes, even women), 1968 (yes, even the Black babies), 1973 (yes, even people pregnant with babies), 2010, (yes, even the LGBTQ soldiers, 2015, (yes, even those LGBTQ people). Every moment we spend re-fighting fights for bodily autonomy, that should long since be settled law, is a moment we aren’t planning for our futures. Every dollar spent fighting malicious lies is a dollar we’re not spending on the health & education of the nation. Every moment we make catastrophic climate decisions so we can keep oil money propping up the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is a moment we’re stealing from our kids’ futures. We’ll be able to stand behind you when we can all afford a safe place to stay & food for the foreseeable future. Joy is easier when community, including government, works for the people, all the people, yes, even those people. You have a slog and a half in front of you. Give me, give us, the promise of a better, more joyful tomorrow by course correcting. Please.

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