- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
I write to you motivated by an urgency that welcomes no delay, compelled by a state of affairs that has endured too long and exacted too high a toll on human life. The newsfeeds and headlines are filled with heart-wrenching pictures of death and destruction: a child’s shoe, a rag doll, a spilt bag of rice, a family portrait smeared with blood – each telling a tale of life that once was. These are not isolated incidents from a distant world, but the consequence of actions partly funded by the U.S., facilitating Israel's activities against Palestinian civilians. These are damning facts, hard to swallow but harder to ignore. Every bullet fired, every bomb dropped, every life lost is ink stains of shame on the fabric of humanity. It is the undeniable responsibility of prosperous nations, particularly ours, to use its power and privilege to safeguard human rights across all borders. The constant supply of arms that enable a seemingly endless cycle of violence must cease. We might not wield those arms, but providing them is arguably just as detrimental. As an act of human decency and as a moral duty to uphold human rights, we must withdraw our direct and indirect participation in these humanitarian atrocities by reconsidering our funding of Israel's hostile operations against Palestinian civilians. Peace is only attainable if we consciously make an attempt to foster it. I appeal to your empathy and one’s innate sense of justice. I implore you to align our public policies with our shared values of respect for individual liberties and basic human rights. Our nation has a crucial task before it: to not be complicit in the suffering of another. Rather, let us invest in peace initiatives, dialogues, and actions that spare innocent lives and nurture harmonious co-existence. The passage of time will not dilute the onus of these crimes against humanity but intensify them. There is no time but now to commence the process towards a more justifiable and peaceable future.
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