  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Parkersburg, WV

September 14

Please take the global climate crisis even more seriously. We’re sitting at 423ppm CO2 in our atmosphere, with the safe zone being below 350ppm. We’ve just experienced the warmest summer in recorded history on a path to the warmest year (again) in the last 125,000 years, in all likelihood. Where I live in Parkersburg, WV, we’ve seen “exceptional” and “extreme” drought for months and more tornado activity in the region than ever. When rains come, we often see massive precipitation events and flooding, as we did in the Spring. We’ve seen strong heatwaves this summer stressing our grid that is WAY over-reliant on coal. We’ve got to have climate leadership that’s stronger than ever. You’ve also got to stop spending so much time talking about nuclear-armed Israel’s right to defend itself when Netanyahu et. al are blatantly committing genocide in Gaza and expanding illegal settlements in West Bank, all with Palestinian eradication in mind. The focus needs to be less on negotiating a ceasefire and more on demanding a permanent one, while carrying out an arms embargo on Israel. We need your leadership on these issues to be morally sound and wise, recognizing what the real issues are and addressing them meaningfully.

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