  1. United States
  2. Letter

Certify Equal Rights Amendment as 28th Constitutional Amendment

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

November 25

The Equal Rights Amendment, which would guarantee equal rights for all regardless of sex, has met the requirements for ratification and inclusion in the US Constitution. Inaction by previous administrations has stalled its publication despite this crucial amendment receiving the support of a supermajority of states. As the window of opportunity closes, we urge you to take definitive action and instruct the Archivist of the United States to officially certify and publish the ERA. Failing to do so would represent a grievous dereliction of duty and injustice to the American people who have waited decades for constitutional equality. The time is now to enshrine the basic principle that rights cannot be denied on account of sex into our nation's founding document. We implore you to uphold your commitment to protecting fundamental freedoms by ensuring the ERA takes its rightful place in the Constitution before your term expires. Please cement our rights in the Constitution before you leave office. Please convince President Biden that this should be part of your legacy to the women of this country!

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