  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Scott, Sen. Rubio, Rep. Webster

From: A constituent in Winter Garden, FL

June 3

The right to contraception should be a no brainer. Contraception is a decision and discussion between a private citizen and their doctor. This needs to be codified due to the recent attacks on women’s rights to have access to necessary medical care across the country at the state level. As Republicans - ask yourselves - when did the GOP decide to put Uncle Sam as a third party in women’s doctors appointments? When was it ok to have the government involved with private health decisions? S.19999 The Right to Contraception Act must be passed Also for those of you deciding to no longer do the work you ran to do because you don’t like how our legal system works - we won’t forget that when your time is ⬆️ 😒

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