  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Support Vice President Harris for President

To: Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner, Rep. Wexton

From: A constituent in Leesburg, VA

July 21

As a democrat of long standing, I’ve been very proud of Joe Biden and his outstanding administration. I was happy when he won the votes of his constituents and I’m very disappointed that he has chosen to step down now due to pressure after the people have already voted. Part of my support has been because of his outstanding cabinet and in particular his vice president, Kamala Harris. At this time, since the time to vote has already passed and this will be decided at the convention, I strongly and immediately encourage you to endorse Vice President Harris for the presidency. This is not the time to jump horses mid-ride. This is the time to urgently return to the business at hand which is forcing the billionaire-owned media to focus on the extreme achievements of the Biden/Harris administration as opposed to allowing them to bully yet another excellent and qualified public servant from office.

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