  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Pass S. 1999: The Right to Contraception Act

To: Rep. Sherrill, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Rockaway, NJ

May 28

The Right to Contraception Act aims to protect individuals' ability to access contraceptives and engage in contraception without interference. This bill recognizes the fundamental right to contraception, rooted in privacy and equal participation in society. By codifying this right, the legislation would prevent state or federal laws from impeding access to contraceptives or related services. Given the recent threats to reproductive rights, safeguarding contraceptive access through federal law is a crucial step to uphold personal autonomy and ensure equitable healthcare. This bill promotes public health by preserving critical family planning resources. I urge you to support the Right to Contraception Act to solidify contraceptive rights nationwide.

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