NO on HR 6285 - “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act”
  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

NO on HR 6285 - “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act”

To: Rep. Eshoo

From: A verified voter in Saratoga, CA

May 1

Today I’m writing and urging you to vote NO on HR 6285 (Stauber) that would reinstate canceled oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. President Biden’s administration took the very necessary step to cancel these leases. We neither need the resources, nor the environmental damage they would cause to vital ecosystems in and near the refuge. Environment America, a network of state and environmental groups released a statement on this bill, and I agree wholeheartedly: “…Rep. Stauber’s bills would endanger these special places and allow mining and drilling companies to do irreparable harm to our environment and the wildlife that call these spaces home.” Fossil fuels are an energy source of the past. We’re going to need all our wild spaces just to make up for the damage that companies like Exxon and many others have already done. I urge a NO vote on HR 6285. Climate, environmental matters and leaving beautiful spaces to future generations is a responsibility we all share. Thank you for your many years of service.

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