  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

VETOING AB1975 For medically supportive foods? Disgusting

To: Gov. Newsom

From: A constituent in Sacramento, CA

October 2

I can't believe you vetoed AB 1975 to make medically supportive foods a permanent health insurance benefit for those of us with Medi-Cal. This won't make the news I'm sure. But that bill had 100% bipartisan support in both chambers. How often does that happen? And you shoot it down? Why? I want to know why?! As a doctor who cares for underserved patients, real people who are getting sick because of their poor food choices, I can't describe how disappointed I am in you. You have no idea how many people this is going to hurt. You don't work with this population. You don't care. What a joke.

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