  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Nickel, Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis

From: A verified voter in Oxford, NC

November 17

I strongly urge you to reject the nomination of Matt Gaetz as attorney general. Given the serious allegations against him, including potential involvement with a minor, confirming him would deeply undermine public trust in the Department of Justice. As the nation's top law enforcement officer, the attorney general must be above reproach and have unimpeachable integrity. Gaetz's controversies and the ongoing ethics investigation raise significant doubts about his fitness for this critical role. The Senate should uphold its advice and consent responsibilities by thoroughly vetting this nominee and ultimately declining to confirm someone with such glaring ethical red flags overseeing federal law enforcement. Appointing Gaetz would be a disservice to the American people and the fair administration of justice.

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