- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 28
The heart aches and bleeds as we witness the wave of violence unleashed upon innocent civilians, triggering significant anguish and despair. We've reached a crucial junction in our history, a time when our silence or indifference can worsen the dire situation, potentially sinking humanity deeper into the abyss of chaos. Every ignited missile, every shattered home, and every tear shed by a mother over her child's lifeless body, is a testament to the horrific spectacle that we have let unfold before our eyes. The U.S. funding that emboldens Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians must be confronted with an unnerving question: should our resources fund devastation or build bridges of hope? The unabated pain inflicted upon Palestinian civilians is a gruesome exhibition of our collective failures; every life lost adds to our moral debt. This immorality pours from the barrel of a gun or the mouth of a grenade; hardware pain manufactured and shipped from the United States. It is a bitter pill to swallow that U.S. taxpayer money, in some twisted cycle of despair, facilitates the acquisition and deployment of these arms leading to catastrophic consequences. This funding and arms influx must cease if we are to see any sign of tranquility. It is high time to deliberate on the foundation of our shared humanity; that is, to respect every human life over geopolitical strategy and economic gains. Advocating for a ceasefire isn't merely a political decision but a moral obligation to protect lives that exist beyond our borders and ideologies. We should use our voices, our influence, and our resources not to fund war, but to bring the promise of peace closer to reality. We must stand against these crimes against humanity, using our shared platform to demand change, to demand peace, and most importantly, to demand life. Decisive action should be taken now, before the world piles more innocent lives onto the pyre of man's inhumanity to man.
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