  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Bring back congestion pricing!

To: Gov. Hochul

From: A constituent in New York, NY

June 6

Please reconsider your short-sighted decision to halt congestion pricing in Manhattan. As a Manhattan resident and non-car owner, I rely on public transit for my day-to-day needs, as it’s faster, cheaper, and more climate friendly than using a car. Why are you prioritizing a relatively small number of drivers over the millions of New Yorkers who ride MTA every day? The MTA desperately needs that revenue to continue improvements—some of which I see every day at that the 14th St./6th Ave station. Have you even ridden the subway recently? This work is critical! I’ve been lukewarm on your performance as governor, but now I’m looking forward to voting for whomever steps up to primary you. If it’s true you changed your mind after receiving a $36k donation from some auto dealerships, that’s just embarrassing.

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