- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A constituent in Puyallup, WA
November 18, 2024
You MUST demand recounts! When I learned the results of the election, I accepted the results, accepted that 50% of our voting population chose hate, racism, misogyny and ignorance over democracy. I have been in deep despair since. But when CLEAR evidence was shown that the machines counting our votes were compromised, I realized that that makes much more sense than that millions of blue voters decided to sit this one out. This election WAS stolen, unlike 2020, and we MUST NOT LET THAT STAND.
I realize that if hand recounts result in Harris winning, there will be MAJOR pushback, violent even, from the MAGAs who are currently celebrating and telling women that their bodies belong to them now. But if we DON’T pushback, and the GOP has found a way to rig elections in their favor, we will be a ONE PARTY SYSTEM and a Democrat may never again sit in the oval office. We know Republicans put this country into financial and social disarray every time they hold office. It’s the Democrats who come in and fix the mess time and time again. Without the Democrats to repair the damage, our country will be NOTHING within 20 years. Or worse – it will be Russian.
If you care about this country, you will NOT allow it to be consumed by billionaires and racists. Our future literally hangs in the balance and the first step to protecting it is to RECOUNT BY HAND NOW!