Vote NO on RISAA
  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on RISAA

To: Rep. Ross, Pres. Biden, Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis

From: A constituent in Raleigh, NC

April 18

PLEASE for the love for all that is holy vote NO on RISAA. You all should not be pressured by a sham deadline into enacting Patriot Act 2.0. You have the time to get this right and you must take that time. Searches, monitoring, and surveillance without proper warrants goes against every aspect of the US Constitution and the ideals of this country. You all know this, and now is the time to take a pause, write MEANINGFUL amendments to RISAA, and make sure that the whole “checks and balances” system is put in place. We are not a dictatorship where spying on and surveilling everyday citizens (by way of tax-paying American small business, for one) can or should become the norm.

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