- United States
- N.Y.
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Rep. Garbarino
From: A verified voter in Bay Shore, NY
November 18, 2024
asure to combat “terrorism,” it carries grave risks of undermining or support for H.R. 9495, the "Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalt isuse of terror designations to silence human rights organizations. ies on American Hostages Act." While this bill is presented as a me essential freedoms, stifling nonprofit advocacy, and enabling the m I am writing as your constituent to urge you to reconsider your pri legislation to suppress free speech, peaceful protest, and legitima nian liberation or other justice movements. The potential for this uld empower any administration to unjustly target groups advocating H.R. 9495, as currently written, sets a troubling precedent that co te advocacy is deeply concerning and incompatible with the democrat for marginalized communities—particularly those supporting Palesti ic values we strive to uphold. I ask that you reflect on the broader implications of this legislation. By creating pathways for executive overreach and enabling the targeting of disfav ored groups under vague and overly broad terms, this bill could harm the very freedoms it purports to protect. advocacy work without fear of retaliation. Please reconsider your position and vote "nay" on H.R. 9495 should it come up for another vote. As your constituent, I urge you to prioritize protecting human rights, free expression, and the ability of nonprofit organizations to carry out critical Thank you for taking the time to reflect on this important issue. I trust in your commitment to justice and democracy.