  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

You are disgracing your oath to the constitution

To: Rep. Golden

From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME

July 4

I am ashamed to be represented by you. I do not know whether you are ignorant, amoral or corrupted by donations from Harlan Crow. I do know that your comments about democracy being okay if a there is a win by multiply indicted convicted felon who egged on a violent mob to hang on to power and has zero respect for his oath to the constitution show that you have betrayed your own oath to the constitution and your duty to those you should be honored to serve. I guess you never studied the rise of Hitler? I've donated and phone banked for you. Never again. You've shown colossal bad judgement and this gratuitous kowtowing to a would be dictator and appeasement is reprehensible. I am ashamed to be represented by you.

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