  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

The time for dialogue, understanding, and compassionate action is now. It is with a heavy heart that I write this plea for an immediate ceasefire; a plea that extends beyond the boundaries of race, creed, and nationality. The canvas of humanity is stained with the blood of innocents, brushed with the broad strokes of power without empathy. We demand an end to the funding of actions that beget violence upon civilians in Palestine; we demand an end to the supply of arms that serve as a means to an end that none of us should want to see. On every level - human, moral, and ethical - we all know that we should not fuel such wanton disregard for life. We have little to gain and much to lose by participating in a cycle that continuously breeds violence rather than solutions; extinguishes hopes rather than fuel them. Sowing seeds of harm will only yield crops of dissent and anguish. We must raise our collective voice to end our involvement in the sufferings inflicted upon Palestinian civilians. Crimes against humanity, no matter how far removed or unseen, remain a shared burden on our collective conscience. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. Every moment of delay, every extra dollar spent, every additional weapon supplied, translates to further suffering, more homeless orphans, more grieving mothers, more shattered families - a reality no fellow human would yearn for. The change begins with us, here and now. We cannot turn a blind eye to these atrocities anymore. We need to echo the cries for peace, safety, and justice. We must say 'No More' and insist on a ceasefire, and a shift towards peaceful resolution. This plea is for humanity; this plea is for the heart of the very principles we claim to uphold.

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