Oppose Unwarranted Surveillance Act: Protect Civil Liberties
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Oppose Unwarranted Surveillance Act: Protect Civil Liberties

To: Sen. Scott, Rep. Franklin, Sen. Rubio

From: A constituent in Fort Meade, FL

April 12

The proposed Act, which includes provisions for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct activities under section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, raises serious concerns about civil liberties. This Act would allow unwarranted surveillance of citizens, a practice that contradicts the principles of privacy and freedom. It is crucial to reconsider the implications of such legislation on the rights of individuals. Therefore, it is requested that you oppose this Act and work towards legislation that respects and upholds the privacy rights of citizens. The potential for misuse of such broad surveillance powers necessitates a thorough review and reform of the current system.

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