- United States
- Texas
- Letter
The proposed ban on hemp-derived THC products in Texas is a misguided and harmful policy that would criminalize a legitimate industry and put thousands of Texans at risk of criminal penalties. These products offer a range of benefits, from lifting moods to providing relief for depression, anxiety, pain, and other conditions. Rather than an outright prohibition, lawmakers should enact sensible regulations to ensure product safety and prevent underage access, similar to alcohol rules. Banning this industry would destroy thousands of jobs and billions in economic activity in the state. It ignores the will of many Texans who choose to use these products responsibly. Instead of a draconian crackdown, a regulatory framework with third-party testing, child-proof packaging, age limits, and oversight by alcohol regulators would protect public health while allowing a lawful market to operate. Prohibition is an overreaction that disregards both personal freedom and the state's pro-business principles. I urge you to reject this ban and pursue a more reasonable, evidence-based approach to regulating hemp-derived THC products.