  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Co-Sponsor Senate Resolution 504 introduced by Bernie Sanders

To: Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

May 27

With this urgent situation, I urge you to co-sponsor Senate Resolution 504 introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders under Section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act. This resolution would mandate a report from the State Department on the human rights practices of the Israeli government within 30 days. Over the past 100 days since the Hamas attacks and Israeli military campaign, there have been shocking civilian casualties and destruction in Gaza. Amnesty International has found evidence that Israeli forces committed war crimes by using U.S.-made weapons in unlawful attacks that killed 43 civilians, including 19 children. The resolution provides crucial oversight to ensure U.S. military aid is not enabling violations of international law. Congress must prioritize protecting civilians and affirm its role in overseeing arms transfers consistent with human rights. Passing this resolution is a vital first step toward accountability and preventing further civilian harm. Source:

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