Please Vote NO on Saturday
  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Please Vote NO on Saturday

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Kaine, Sen. Warner, Rep. Good

From: A verified voter in Lynchburg, VA

April 19

I am strongly opposed to a TikTok ban, as well as the large amount of support being sent to Israel. We have real problems right here in the USA that could be solved by keeping aid in to his country but that seems to be unnecessary to act upon expediently by elected officials. TikTok should not be singled out for oversight of content and personal data which has been harvested by a lot of other apps as seen in the many class action lawsuits filed. No one in government seems to care about truth social, X, and meta's threats to our privacy and data, but somehow think that TikTok is unique. This would also be an injustice on the many small businesses that rely on TikTok for their revenue. A forced divestment of Tok Tok is nothing more than an American attempt to control American behavior and businesses that contribute to our taxes. Please vote no to a forced divestment of TikTok, as well as the overspending in aid. Instead consider a data protection act which will truly protect us. Thank you for your time.

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