  1. United States
  2. Letter

Support a free and independent Palestine

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in San Francisco, CA

May 7

I am writing to urge you to take action to end U.S. financial support for Israel in light of its ongoing human rights abuses against Palestinian civilians. For decades, Israel has maintained a brutal military occupation over millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This has included the expropriation of Palestinian land, demolition of homes, arbitrary detention, severe restrictions on movement, and disproportionate use of force against civilians - policies which major human rights organizations have deemed as amounting to apartheid. In the recent conflict in May 2021, Israeli airstrikes killed over 250 Palestinians in Gaza, the majority of whom were civilians. Despite this well-documented record of abuses, the United States provides Israel with nearly $4 billion annually in military aid, in addition to consistent diplomatic support. By continuing this unconditional support, the U.S. is complicit in Israel's violations of Palestinian human rights and international law. As your constituent, I am asking you to take concrete steps to hold Israel accountable: 1. Support legislation to end or condition U.S. military funding to Israel, in advance of a two-state solution. 2. Publicly speak out against Israeli human rights violations and call for an end to practices like home demolitions, settlement expansion, and excessive force against civilians. 3. Back international accountability efforts, including an independent investigation into abuses by the International Criminal Court — and legitimate consequences for those crimes. The U.S. cannot credibly advocate for human rights while simultaneously enabling abuses by its allies. I urge you to stand up for Palestinian human rights by ending our government's unconditional military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel until it complies with international law. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your response outlining the specific actions you intend to take.

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