- United States
- Letter
Why are you blocking the ERA? Publish the 28th Amendment now.
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA
November 19, 2024
I worked hard with my local Democrats to try to get you elected. Your candidacy was a step forward for women, and I dreamed of the first woman President. Your defeat was crushing to women everywhere, and Trump is a serious threat to our liberty. In this climate, we need women's rights enshrined in the Constitution now more than ever. I cannot fathom why President Biden has continued the previous Trump administration's policy of stonewalling publication of the ERA. I thought you both were our champions- why haven't you acted? The excuses to wait for the Courts or Congress to act are weak and reveal either a lack of courage or a secret lack of support for the ERA. The Republican Party didn't get this extremist Supreme Court by following the rules, so we are under no obligation to follow the rules when trying to counter the damage they are doing to women's rights. So, is my President a coward or an opponent of my freedoms? Until the ERA is published, those are the only possible conclusions I can draw about President Biden. Please, prove me wrong. Pressure President Biden to have the Archivist publish the 28th Amendment. Women still need your voice- please use it to get this done for us. Thank you.