  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Impeach, impeach. Impeach

To: Sen. Menendez, Rep. Smith, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Toms River, NJ

July 3

Now that the Supreme Court has collapsed the strength of our Constitution I am writing to the remaining branches Congress to rise up and Save US. I The People, demand immediate proceedings to impeach the Supreme Court Justices who committed this high treason. There is plenty of evidence to begin this action starting with their confirmation proceedings. These jurists lied and lied some more under oath. In light of the fact that from this day forward with the ruling of Trump v United States there is no law of the land that can withstand a challange the equal justice and no one is above the law or is there? The six majority Supreme Court jurists must be stopped in their tracks now. In this country justice delayed is Justice denied. Now democracy and its strength in the rule of law and Justice is dead. Anything goes and this Robert’s court and the fanatical jurists on it must be the first.

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