From a teacher and mother: do not pass HB1202
  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

From a teacher and mother: do not pass HB1202

To: Sen. McNally, Gov. Lee, Rep. Johnson

From: A constituent in Knoxville, TN

April 23

My name is Laura Bean-Allen and I am a public school teacher and mother. I am writing to urge you not to pass HB1202. This is not the way to keep our kids safer. Teaching is already hard enough and we as teachers cannot also be responsible for keeping a concealed gun safe from kids. Let’s talk about other options. We all just want kids to be safe. I am on the ground in school every day, and I promise you this is not the way. Even in the best case scenario where the concealed carry teacher is trustworthy and able to basically rise to the duty of a trained police officer, the gun will be in easy access of countless children and other staff who have not gone through the same vetting. The gun would not be secure with the concealed carry teacher. If this bill is passed, I will be forced to consider not returning to teach next year. I am a good teacher and I give everything I have to my students and I would like to continue to do my job.

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