  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

The injustice that we bear witness to in Palestine daily is a wound on the conscience of humanity that refuses to heal. Time and again, our screens are flooded with graphic violence and terror, inflicted on innocent civilians all in the name of "self-defense". Gaza is on the brink, rife with destruction and splintered dreams of countless Palestinians. It is deeply troubling, morally indisputable and, without mincing words, a crime against humanity. The U.S. funding and unmitigated support granted to Israel in these actions is not just confounding but also complicit in the chaos. The supply of arms is fueling the fire, perpetuating the conflict, and enabling the heartbreaking carnage on the Palestinian soil. This is not an abstract political quandary, these are real people with real lives being shorn away. The American people, as I am one, must realize that our tax dollars are underwriting these atrocities. Insurmountable evidence of Israel's actions against the Palestinians blur the line between self-defense and outright oppression. It's time to rethink our stance, to reassess our role in this atrocious conflict. I implore a cessation of this support, an urgent cessation of all violence, and an immediate ceasefire. There is nothing humane or defensible about the violence. Stop the arms, stop the funds! Stand in unity for peace, justice, and humanity.

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