- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
I beseech you, in this moment of palpable anguish, to urgently reconsider the United States' stance on the current circumstances within the borders of Israel and Palestine. As an ordinary citizen, I might not own the political expertise of a seasoned diplomat, but I am a human being besieged by images that imprint a stark dread into my heart; images of innocent lives snuffed out in their infancy, of mothers keening over the obliterated remains of a home destroyed by a conflict they neither chose nor provoked. I implore you, in the name of humanity, for an immediate ceasefire.
Our nation, a beacon of hope and freedom to many, could unintentionally get tainted with the blood of the guilty and the innocent alike, if we continue to fund weapons and aid that fuel this perpetual cycle of violence. Our silence and our inaction become unwitting accessories to a crime that violates the most fundamental right every human being is entitled to - the right to life. The escalating brutality that penalizes civilians, especially children, is an affront to the very values that our proud nation claims to uphold - justice, liberty, and the sanctity of human life.
In this, we cannot afford to be passive, for passivity is complicity. The cessation of the funding of arms and the demand for a ceasefire isn't just a plea for holding true to American values; it becomes a global declaration that we categorically denounce acts of aggression that result in the casualties of those who are simply trying to survive. It is a wake-up call to every nation, to every leader, that crimes against humanity cannot be and should not be rationalized under any circumstances. The call for peace isn't just about one man, or one family or even one nation; it's about humanity as a whole and the world we wish to leave for future generations.