  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Missourian Support for 32 Hour Work Week

To: Rep. Wagner, Sen. Hawley, Sen. Schmitt

From: A constituent in O Fallon, MO

July 24

The idea of a 40 hour work week is 19th century thinking. It is 2024, and productivity has never been higher, corporate profits have never been higher, and wages have NOT INCREASED in line with this. If companies refuse to pay us enough to survive, we should not have to work as much either. This way we have more time to work other jobs to make ends meet, or to receive sufficient pay offset from the overtime pay. Unfortunately this is the labor environment that has been left for the working generations. The bare minimum we can do is reduce overtime hour requirements to a 32 hour work week. This would force overtime pay to kick in after 32 hours, instead of 40 hours, which it has been for an unbelievable amount of time. I can’t believe I’m saying this.. but I urge support for Bernie sanders’ plan for a 32 hour work week. As our representatives, you must support this as well you will not find a single constituent, besides business entities, that will not support this.

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