- United States
- Wash.
- Letter
We are entering unprecedented times. We need our representatives to fight for us. Washington is the only state to vote more blue this year. That is a message to you: fight for us.
The lack of urgency, and even capitulation, on the part of the democrats is devastating. At minimum, families will be ripped apart, people will lose jobs and healthcare, our neighbors will be deported, and women will continue to die. That's the optimistic forecast.
What is the point of being in government if you can't make a difference? What is the point of holding your seat if it's only to watch our democracy be dismantled? If you're not going to do something now, then when? It will only get harder as our freedoms are curtailed.
Stop calculating and triangulating. Stand up and fight for us. Barrage them with bills. Filibuster their appointments. Give non-stop speeches. Call out their hypocrisy and lawlessness. Don't just roll over and give in. We are all going to have to make sacrifices. You at least have the power to make a difference. We need you.