  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Perry, Rep. Murr, Gov. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

August 13

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day. Another headline illustrating to the world Texas’ neglect of half its citizenry. More lawsuits from women whose lives were in jeopardy because of draconian abortion laws. This time against hospitals who repeatedly denied life-saving treatment out of concern for potential legal consequences. Both had ectopic pregnancies, never viable, potentially life threatening, for which treatment is allowed even in Texas. Their non-viable pregnancy condition was determined by the hospitals they went to for help. They were in pain. Bleeding. Desperate for medical attention. And they were sent away, presumably to let nature just take its course. One of the women, when it was finally deemed to be unavoidably life-threatening, had one of her Fallopian tubes removed as a result of prolonged inaction by health providers. Her future hopes for children will be impacted. Her future health is impacted. Politicians will say the laws are clear. The language is clear. But anyone can see that we also have an Attorney General who has made his views clear on the subject of legal enforcement of abortion bans, regardless of circumstances. We seen this in his lawsuits against the federal government. We’ve seen this in his public threatening of doctors and hospitals who dare to provide treatment. So please explain to me how a for-profit hospital, or a doctor with their own lives and futures to consider, will go against their own interests? When they see that the state of Texas will not have their backs? Because of this widespread fear in a vital part of our current Texas healthcare system, women are miscarrying in ER bathrooms. They are sent home hemorrhaging. Told to come back when they’re bleeding enough to be deemed near death. Their state doesn’t mind their misery. Their state has deserted them. And you think the killing of Roe v Wade by the GOP, made possible by your candidate for president, won’t be an issue in November?

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