  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Pass Medicare for all

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Fallon

From: A verified voter in Plano, TX

December 20

The Medicare for All Act proposes establishing a universal single-payer national health insurance system in the United States, similar to Canada's Medicare and Taiwan's national health insurance. Under this system, most medical care would be paid for by the federal government, eliminating the need for private health insurance premiums. It would provide comprehensive coverage including preventive care, mental health services, dental care, and long-term care with no cost-sharing. Studies estimate significant cost savings through reduced administrative overhead and the provision of preventive care. A Lancet study projected over $450 billion in annual savings, along with tens of thousands of lives saved each year. While financing details vary across proposals, the aim is to reallocate current healthcare expenditures more efficiently through tax-based funding replacing premiums. This would ensure universal access to essential care while reducing overall national health expenditures. I urge you to support making quality healthcare a right for all Americans by co-sponsoring and voting for Medicare for All legislation.

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