  1. United States
  2. Letter

Don't Ban TikTok

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

April 24

I know this is an election year. You cannot ban TikTok. It's the only free unfiltered information hub for those of us without cable or OTA telly. During the pandemic, it was TikTok that kept us informed properly and entertained when Trump was busy eating chocolate cake. If you sign it, you'll be cutting the United States off from the global link it provides. You'll be shutting down the small shops that use it to sell their handmade wares, and you'll be telling the youth of our nation that the government doesn't want an informed electorate. We can't trust CNN or FOX. What's left are the people on the ground in places like Gaza, Congo, and Sudan. Banning TikTok will be alerting the netizens of the United States and the world that we are not free.

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