  1. United States
  2. Letter

Type 2 Diabetes Medicine Shortage

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Gurnee, IL

June 6

When drugs like Mounjaro were approved for people with Type II diabetes and that had chemically identical drugs like Zepbound approved for weight loss, per the FDA priority was supposed to be given to diabetes patients. Often times, pharmacies have a stock of the Zepbound available, but have no Mounjaro (and do not know when they can get more) and are leaving the diabetes patients hanging. The problem is being made worse by weight loss clinics giving non diabetic patients Type 2 diabetes diagnoses so that they get the medication covered by their patients. This issue is rampant within Endeavor Health clinics Ely Lily claims that the shortage is as a result of the inability to produce enough of the auto injectors pens cannot be produced fast enough. in northern Illinois. The Canadian healthcare ministry authorized the manufacturer to dispense vials of the medication and for doctors to prescribe syringes. If the manufacturer is being honest, doing so in the US could help to alleviate the supply chain issues that are preventing diabetic patients from getting the medication that they need to manage their blood glucose.

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