- United States
- Letter
Addressing Biden's moral failure on Israeli-Palestinian conflict
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX
May 7
<message> President Biden's resolute backing of Israeli military actions against Palestine, coupled with his administration's heavy-handed response to campus protests, risks cementing his legacy as a warmongering leader detached from the sentiments of young Americans. His administration's prioritization of "restoring order" over addressing grievances surrounding the ongoing genocide exposes a chilling disregard for Palestinian lives. Biden's tacit endorsement of genocidal violence through sustained military aid to Israel represents an unconscionable betrayal of human rights and democratic values. Dismissing public outcry as mere disruption to be quelled with force only deepens the chasm separating the president from a generation demanding accountability on this grave injustice. Biden's calculated efforts to placate right-wing constituencies by "playing it safe" translate to a green light for the continued subjugation and slaughter of the Palestinian people. Unless substantive engagement replacing hollow platitudes occurs, Biden should brace for waning enthusiasm and potential outright defections of youth support in critical swing states. The jarring disconnect between his administration's actions enabling genocide and its rhetoric celebrating democratic ideals risks leaving an indelible stain on his presidential tenure. The cautionary tale of 1968 looms large—dismissing the moral urgency driving segments of the youth electorate jeopardizes Biden's reelection prospects and cements his place among presidents woefully out of step with their times. </message>