  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Kelly, Pres. Biden, Sen. Sinema, Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

August 16, 2024

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a report showing that IDF soldiers take Palestinian prisoners (young and old), dress them in IDF uniforms, and then send them out with their hands bound , as human shields. The Israeli army is using Palestinians as human shields! Their commanders approve and order the IDF soldiers to do that. Israeli soldiers are eating the food that is dropped by UNRWA for Palestinians. The Israeli Finance Minister has stated that he approves of rape of Palestinian prisoners. He wants rape to be part of the USUAL torture of Palestinians. PRESIDENT BIDEN APPROVES ALL THIS! The State Department makes such idiotic statements as "these reports have not been verified" even though the facts have been videotaped and are seen by anybody that actually looks. The incredibly misleading State Department briefings daily say such idiotic statements as "the IDF will investigate". We know better. We know what's happening. You think you can hide the truth from Americans but Americans have already realized that Israel is committing genocide. You think you can get through one more election cycle lying to us. Again. Over and over you lie to us. Why do you think people listen to Trump? It's because everybody knows that you're lying. But of course Trump lies as much as you do. So don't tell me this is the election that will determine democracy. Democracy is already dead. Stop kicking a dead horse.

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